Bed: 1,2,Bath: 1,2
Apartment, Penthouse
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Bed: 1,2,Bath: 1,2
Apartment, Penthouse
2 years ago
Bed: 1Bath: 1m²: 60
2 years ago
Bed: 1,2,3Bath: 1
Apartment, Penthouse
3 years ago
Apartment, Penthouse
4 years ago
Bed: 1,2,3,4Bath: 1,2,3
Apartment, Penthouse
4 years ago
Bed: 1,2,3Bath: 1,2,3
Apartment, Penthouse
4 years ago
Bed: 1,2,4Bath: 1,2,3
Apartment, Penthouse
4 years ago
Bed: 1,2,3Bath: 1,2,3
Apartment, Penthouse
4 years ago
Apartments of Luxury Project Near the Sea in Alanya Avsallar
Avsallar, Alanya, Antalya, Mediterranean Region, TurkeyBed: 1,2Bath: 1,2
Apartment, Penthouse
4 years ago
Apartments of Luxury Project Near the Sea in Alanya Avsallar
Avsallar, Alanya, Antalya, Mediterranean Region, TurkeyBed: 1,2,3,4Bath: 1,2
4 years ago
Bed: 1-3Bath: 1-3
Apartment, Penthouse
4 years ago
Bed: 1-4Bath: 1-3
Apartment, Penthouse
4 years ago
Bed: 1-5
4 years ago
Bed: 1-2Bath: 1-2m²: 46
Apartment, Penthouse
5 years ago
Bed: 1-5Bath: 1-3m²: 56
Apartment, Penthouse
5 years ago
Bed: 1-2Bath: 1-2m²: 55
Apartment, Penthouse
5 years ago
Bed: 1-5Bath: 1-3m²: 50
5 years ago
Bed: 1,2,Bath: 1,2
Apartment, Penthouse
2 years ago
Bed: 1Bath: 1m²: 60
2 years ago
Apartment, Penthouse
3 years ago
Beds: 1.2.3
Apartment, Penthouse
3 years ago
Bed: 1,2Bath: 1,2
Apartment, Penthouse
3 years ago
Bed: 1,2,3,4Bath: 1,2,3,
Apartment, Penthouse
3 years ago
Property in Alanya | Buying Property in Turkey/Apartments in Alanya
Our goal is your safety!
Many people dream of buying property in Alanya. Now you have the opportunity to make this dream come true and at the same time make a good investment for the future.
There are many reasons to do so. The pleasant climate, the beaches, the beautiful nature, a hospitable people, and not least the favorable price level. The Turkish property market still has a very low-price ratio compared to the rest of the world.
Your apartment in Alanya will be one of the best things in your life. Here you will be able to enjoy the good life, completely in accordance with your dreams. For Scan Group Homes Ltd, it is important to show you how good it is to live here.
We have many years of experience and good knowledge of the Turkish property market, and we offer you our expertise working with large and serious building companies.
Our experienced brokers have plenty of knowledge of Alanya and its surroundings. We always keep the focus on our customers. Our knowledge will be your safety: quality and our services will create the trust we want our customers to be able to have in us.
Best Price, quality and service buying a home in Alanya.
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